The Single Awareness (But-Not-for-Long!) Dance

The other night, I was at a cocktail party discussing the future wedding of a friend of mine. She expressed distaste for the bouquet and garter toss. I laughed. “I like that tradition. The pictures after with the winner…there’s always someone who looks uncomfortable in them. Those pictures are priceless.” “True,” she said. “But youContinue reading “The Single Awareness (But-Not-for-Long!) Dance”

Karaoke Ben + Mary = Greatest Hits Forever

My apologies for the formatting. I’ve been trying to fix it. I CAN’T. Last night, I emailed my friend Ben who by this time next week will be a married man. However, I accidentally emailed my OTHER friend Ben first. Who is also engaged to someone named Mary. It’s been very confusing, since Parker onlyContinue reading “Karaoke Ben + Mary = Greatest Hits Forever”

Please Speak After the Beep

This week, oneĀ of my dearest friends, Frost, is gettin’ hitched. Frost lives out of state, and due to my health condition/restrictions, I am unable to attend the wedding. I was bummed before, but with the week looming large, I am getting sadder at the thought of missing out on sharing a big celebration with anContinue reading “Please Speak After the Beep”

Advice for the Recently Engaged

My friend Kelly got engaged recently (Yay, Kelly!), and I found out today. It brought back a flurry of emotions and feelings, so I figured I would plant some advice to all the guys/gals out there who are getting/planning on getting married. Don’t plan a wedding in 4 months. It’s possible, but it will suckContinue reading “Advice for the Recently Engaged”