An Explanation About my Writer’s Block

Since I got back from my trip, I haven’t been posting much. There are several reasons for this, and stating it all feels like I’m writing a college paper/essay (and probably will for the rest of my life). Most importantly, when I try to, my posts aren’t turning out very great. Kind of like potteryContinue reading “An Explanation About my Writer’s Block”

I need to start and end all my notes from home with quotation marks, like I would a publishable paper

My mom is cleaning her house out, so she’s wading through a higher volume of my leftover junk than she normally does. She’s also wading through her junk, just so we’re clear. She knows I write, and so she’s constantly coming across things I’ve jotted down. We are both messy, so they are literally everywhere.Continue reading “I need to start and end all my notes from home with quotation marks, like I would a publishable paper”